Donate now to support Moon Beach, Daycholah Center, and Cedar Valley

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Donate now to support Moon Beach, Daycholah Center, and Cedar Valley image


raised towards $175,000 goal



Days Left

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Join hands with us 🀝 Give generously 🌲 Ignite the torch of legacy πŸ”₯

Ignite the Spirit of Generosity

Ignite Generosity

Join hands with us. Give generously. Ignite the torch of legacy. For the campfires of our past, for the youth of our future, for the enduring strength of our shared history, and for making United Church Camps Inc. (UCCI) a steadfast haven that echoes with the laughter of generations yet to come.

Rooted in a legacy of over six decades, Moon Beach, Daycholah Center, and Cedar Valley have a long history of providing meaningful camp events, retreats, and Sabbath at sacred places set apart for rest and renewal. In these places, we slow down enough to appreciate nature, to listen to one another, and to hear the Creator reminding us that we are loved unconditionally.

Within UCCI, the challenge to meet these needs and enhance our offerings depends on your support. Participation alone cannot sustain any of our three sites. Your generosity will enable us to maintain these sacred spaces, offer scholarships, keep participation fees reasonable, and expand our outreach initiatives.

Ignite Generosity will provide funds to ensure that we achieve our development goal for 2023 and start 2024 in a strong position. We have a clear goal: to raise $175,000 by December 31 and to build our long-term development efforts to raise enough to sustain this ministry.

Ignite Generosity is more than a call to action–it is the opportunity to ignite the spirit of giving within this community. I implore you to reflect on what matters most to you and consider how UCCI fits into that. A sustaining gift empowers UCCI to realize its greatest potential in bringing new programs and experiences to these sacred places. You can help advance our mission in a way that best reflects your passion and connection to Moon Beach, Daycholah Center, and Cedar Valley.

Moreover, your generosity serves as an inspiration to others. As Native American elder and author Stephen Charleston wisely put it, 'In Native tradition, you mark your special moments not by what you may receive, but by what you have to give. However small or simple, you give. Generosity is a key. It unlocks the soul.' Together, we can unlock the transformative power of generosity.

Achieving our year-end goal of $175,000 is possible! Reaching this goal will advance several initiatives to improve our sites, provide a more accessible experience for our guests, and make visible progress in our justice initiatives. Here are some examples:

  • 6-passenger ATV for Moon Beach (planned)
  • Waterfront updates at Daycholah Center (in progress: improved swim raft and swim markers, new boat lift, mooring buoys, and purchased a used pontoon boat)
  • Completed deferred maintenance at all three sites (heating, cooling, water systems, and more)
  • Effigy mound preservation plan and signage at Daycholah Center (in progress)
  • Renovations to the apartment rental space at Cedar Valley (completed)

Thank you for considering our plea for support. Your generosity can help ignite the spirit of giving and make a lasting impact on our campers' lives. With your help, we can continue to foster personal growth, community, and spiritual understanding for generations to come. Please keep our team, the UCCI Board of Directors, and our mission in your prayers.

With blessings and peace,

Rev. James Schleif

Executive Director

To make a donation by check: United Church Camps Inc., W1010 Spring Grove Rd., Ripon, WI 54971